The Welcome Back
gender pay gap. That is 1% up to the age of 29 then increases to 12.3% for age 40 and over. It’s no coincidence that the average age of a first time mother is 30
[Careers After Babies]
of women leave the full-time workforce within three years of having their first child, and 19% leave work completely
[Careers after babies]
1 in 5
felt their boss and colleagues didn’t understand what they had been through both mentally and physically
[The Independent]
What is The Welcome Back?
The Welcome Back is a service providing organisations with 1:1 coaching, workshops and training to support employees returning from parental leave. As the statistics suggest there is so much more work needed from organisations to ensure they are protecting their employees.
How can we help your organisation?
Through qualifications plus lived experience we can help your employees through each challenge they face. We work through all the common concerns without inventing a prescribed structure as everyone's journey is different.
We also work with line managers & HR to ensure your workforce is upskilled on how to manage returnees and advise on policies and additional support.
We help your organisation retain your employees you have spent so much time and money training and developing. Giving this extra benefit to your employees shows them you are an organisation that goes the extra mile, cares about their wellbeing and ultimately helps them thrive in the workplace.
We are based in London but will travel around the UK for workshops and block coaching bookings. Sessions can also be conducted online.

1:1 Coaching
Providing 1:1 coaching starting before the employee goes on leave right through to sessions post return. This is offered in packages of 4 or 6 sessions.
The aim of the sessions is to address the individuals concerns. There is no set agenda, however a typical package would look like preparing the individual for leave working through setting expectations and communication with management. Whilst on leave we would tackle concerns such as leaving the baby, confidence, fear of the unknown. Post return is where there is a bigger disparity in the needs of each client, the focus can be anywhere from balance and boundaries to career development.
The one thing all packages have in common is that they give the employee an empathetic and experienced sounding board, tools and models to support, and coaching techniques to provide growth and stability in what for many is a challenging time.

We provide internal workshops to support your leavers and returnees. The two workshops for those going on parental leave are Preparing for Leave and Ready to Return.
These workshops tackle the most common concerns and allow new parents to learn from each other and to find individuals they can relate to within their own workplace.
In addition to returnees we also offer workshops for parents in the workplace to address ongoing issues such as work life balance and career progression as a parent.

Line Manager Training
Training Line Managers & HR is the missing piece of the puzzle most organisations are neglecting. Without these key individuals being educated to manage their returnees it is extremely difficult to give them the support they require. There is so much being missed in terms of communication and setting expectations that helps the individual and the organisation.
These workshops are tailored to your organisation and require planning sessions to ensure we are upskilled on everything you offer, your processes and the challenges you are facing. Once the planning sessions are completed we will conduct workshops for as many people as you reqiure.
Get in touch
For further information for you or your business, please get in touch.

Most of our sessions are run virtually but upon request we can run 1:1 sessions in Greater London & Hertfordshire and group sessions anywhere in the UK.